The Eye Cream I Can't Live Without (a short break from design posts to share this serum with you!)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I never talk about beauty products because, well, this is a design blog.  But at heart I'm a makeup, hair, and "magic potion" girl (that's what my husband calls all of my creams and serums :)

 I buy a lot of eye creams (and face creams, and neck creams....)  Most of them honestly don't do much, other than maybe moisturize my skin a little.  I did do the Obagi 4 month regime one time, and I do think it cleared up my dark spots a little.  But it was a lot of work (5 steps twice a day), and a lot of money (about $500). 

A couple of months ago, I was just about to book a Botox appointment (I've done it in the past with great results, but it's ridiculously expensive here - $600 a syringe).  And, lucky me, my brow muscle responsible for the frown lines between my eyebrows is "exceptionally strong" according to my dermatologist.  So,  I wear through the stuff fast.  I need about 4 appointments a year to keep it working, and it's really hard to justify almost $2400 a year on my face.

So my dermatologist recommended this product to me recently.  She has recommended a ton of stuff over the years, and I've never been thrilled enough with any of them to share.  But this one actually worked for me.  It noticeably reduced (almost eliminated) the darkness and puffiness under my eyes.  It also helped a LOT with (but didn't completely cure) the sagging upper eyelids.  

 So, while I'm no scientist, I have read a lot about what to look for in skin care products, and this one seems to have them all (Argeline? Argireline? (sp?), Matrixly, Eyeliss, Haloxyl, and some others I can't remember).  I don't want to recommend it based on the science though - the science seems to be there, but I'm not a scientist, so I'm not comfortable saying it makes sense that it works from a scientific point of view, ya know?  But I CAN say that it worked for me, and I do not have any Botox in my foreseeable future thanks to this serum.  If you are interested, check it out for yourself.  And if you've used it, PLEASE comment, good or bad, and tell me your experience!  I also always love to hear about other products that have worked for people, even though I'll never stop using this one.

It's $89 or $59 for the first order, depending on what size, and there is a discount if you buy two or more.  Now I'm on the "replenish program" I think they call it, where they send refills every 45 days. Those are $59.  So, $59 every month and a half.  Beats Botox, which for me is too expensive.

I did not take "official" before and afters, but I dug through my photos to show you what I do have. I'm 42, almost 43, and my eyes pretty much looked it.

best eye cream
BEFORE with makeup - fine lines especially noticeable
best eye serum
BEFORE with makeup- HATE those dark crescents under the eyes
Before, no makeup, Yuck.
best eye cream
Before (concealer only)


This is a while after I started using the serum, completely unedited (sorry, it was taken in black and white):

miracle eye cream
After (WITH makeup)
best eye cream
After (WITH full makeup)

After (NO makeup at all, no concealer)


I think this is a pretty good before/after comparison:

It is only sold through the manufacturer (in Florida) through their website. Here it is:

Click here to go to the manufacturer website.

Update:   I am now an affiliate for this company and earn a commission if you buy. I joined after buying it and after writing this post because I believe in it!

I wanted to share some reader comments with you about this product that have come in since I posted this.  There are more HERE.
"I ended up ordering Elite Serum and received it within 48 hours. After just over a week and a half I am already seeing results (firming of upper lids, decreased under eye puffiness and smoothing of skin). The customer service is great, too. " 
Stacy - this is the best thing that ever happened to me. i will use this for life. It has changed my entire eye area - I look at least 10 years younger, and I'm a pretty harsh critic. THANK YOU for sharing this!!
And a screenshot of an email I just got today about the older, weaker formula (wither her name and email redacted):

I totally agree, and am so excited about this product. It is literally a miracle eye cream to me, the best and most effective beauty product I have ever used. I truly believe in it, which is why I represent it now. One thing you should know, though, is that some countries don't allow this to be sold there because they consider it too strong. I have never had any negative reaction, and none of my readers that have written to me have, so I trust it. But if you have very sensitive skin maybe check with a dermatologist first.

I think the issue is that it combines ALL of the proven effective ingredients into one product, and no one has ever done that before. I guess some skin types are too sensitive for that. But on the flip side, if you can use it, it works miracles.  

Ok, that's it - just an update on my favorite beauty product ever!

Pura Vida said...

I can't wait to try this. I appreciate knowing if something really works or not. Usually I'd rather buy a pillow or some fabric or some kind of art

The enchanted home said...

SOLD!!!!! Anything to help with puffiness and dark circles..and if it works I am a fan for life. Where can I buy it?

Unknown said...

This will be fun to try...we should have a before/after post! thanks for the heads up:)

shadowhaswings said...

Thank you for being so honest and real, plus sharing this amazing product. Like you over the past few years I've tried a lot of products but didn't ever want to go the way of needle injections. I checked out the site, watched the video's, put in my order for Elite and now can't wait for it to come! This is my birthday gift to me. I love your blog, read daily!
Debbie from the Northwest

Jennifer@ClassicStyleHome said...

I'm so bookmarking this!

Karena said...

Thanks Stacy I need all of the help I can get!!

2013 Artists Series

Anonymous said...

Stacy--come on, what dark circles?
Like, I look like an insomniac.
Do you think it would really help, 'cause I'd try it for sure!?!

Rhonda said...

I think your pictures look great! Since you have no frown lines at all in these pictures, I'm assuming that is the result of Botox. You didn't mention if the cream helps with those frown lines, and that is what I'm wondering. I don't have circles or saggy eyelids and very slight crow's feet. But I do have frown lines. Do you think this cream would help those? If so,I'm willing to try, because I agree, it sure will beat the price of Botox! ;)

Stacy CUrran said...

Rhonda - not sure. For me, the heavy brow, from frowning, makes my whole eye sag. This has definitely helped me with THAT, especially under the eyes. I'm not sure if it would work on the actual frown lines. Sorry!

Karen said...

First, I have to say that I WISH I looked liked your before! But what a sweet gesture to share this information. I've spent $1000's on products that didn't work or, worse, I was allergic to. You look beautiful!

Kathysue said...

You have the prettiest eyes, I know I have told you that before, but you really do. Now about the cream, I just might have to try this new miracle cream. My eyes are so sensetive to creams that I have to be very careful, but it looks as if it worth a try. Thanks for the recommendations. You know I am all about products. Around here they are called lotions and potions!lol

Rhonda said...

Thanks, Stacy. I may try it anyway.

carolyn bradford said...

You made a believer out of me! So glad I saw this! I'm headed to the dermatologist tomorrow and I'm dreading it! I'm 5 years older…and believe shows! However…I will definitely try this! Thanks, Stacy!

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Now I am calling to book an appt to possibly remove the bags under my the dr. said it was a genetic thing...and yes they are...had these bags for years...and they say that surgery is the only way to eliminate them...seriously, does that cream work for big under eye bags?....Sure better than surgery! have the prettiest eyes and your lashes are so long!

Stacy CUrran said...

Oh thanks Shirley! I don't know about hereditary bags - I would ask the derm about it. Oh, and of course my lashes have had help, too - revitalsh - it's amazing stuff. You can see in the after photos that I haven't been using it- my lashes are all short again!

Unknown said...

I was very lucky with botox - it lasted me 5 to 6 months - did it for a couple of years ( along with a little filler for a bad frown line in between my eyes - restolyne ) and then got fed up of it for some reason. Botox is not as expensive here ( which I am completely shocked by - because we seem to pay more for everything in Canada ) think a syringe is 425.00
I have to try this serum you're talking about Stacy!
But I have to tell you - I can't see any lines - fine or not - in your photos lol!!!
Much love,
( and thanks for popping in for a visit Stacy - so nice to see your name in my in box )

Anonymous said...

So excited to try this eye cream! You mentioned your face powder is great at hiding fine lines - would you mind sharing the name of that too? p.s. you may want to start a beauty blog as well :-)

Stacy CUrran said...

The powder is Mac Studio Fix. It's heavy, not sheer, but offers great coverage!

Jasmine Thomson said...

Wow! That's a must try eye cream for me! In the pictures one can clearly see the difference basing it on the crow's feet present on the model's eye. I've been looking around for weeks now for a good alternative apart from undergoing to some botox treatment to lessen those wrinkles in my face and you're just heaven sent. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll make sure to try it out too!

Lori @ Projects Plenty said...

My, what pretty eyes you have. Thanks for sharing about the eye cream... looking forward to trying it.

Lori @ Projects Plenty said...

I ended up ordering Elite Serum and received it within 48 hours. After just over a week and a half I am already seeing results (firming of upper lids, decreased undereye puffiness and smoothing of skin). The customer service is great, too.

Carol Minning said...

Stacy - this is the best thing that ever happened to me. i will use this for life. It has changed my entire eye area - I look at least 10 years younger, and I'm a pretty harsh critic. THANK YOU for sharing this!!
Carol M.

Anonymous said...

Can you tell us how long it took before you noticed the most dramatic results? Your before and after photos are great!

Stacy CUrran said...

Carol Minning I'm so glad...and ditto! For the others who have questions about the timeframe: you see immediate temporary tightening when you apply it. For long-term effects though, I started to see them after about a month. I saw the best effects however after three months. And like I said, I will never stop using it. If you can't afford it every month, I would say use it sparingly every day to try to preserve some of the product and I think it could easily last 45 to 60 days. Otherwise, maybe skip a day in between uses so that it last two months. I haven't tried it this way, but I bet it would still be effective because it is very strong. Please send me your results - I am always happy to hear from people who tried it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Stacy it's Julie...thanks your turning me on to this. It us truly amazing! I can't believe his much better my under eyes look after a month.
Xo Julie c.

Stacy CUrran said...

Hi all, someone asked for a link to the other post about this. You can read more reader comments here:

Kate said...

Hi! I'm wondering where you have actually placed the serum, as I see you had dark areas on the inner eye that are miraculously gone! I just started using the serum and wonder where I should be placing it for best effectiveness! Thx for turning us on to it!

Stacy CUrran said...

Hi Kate - I Put it EVERYWHERE! I have no negative reaction to it, so I put it all over the top and bottom of my lids, and the inner and outer corners, but without getting any in my eye. I did that once and it stung for a while. Hope this helps.

Unknown said...

I bought this after your post about it. I have tried million of products, well, maybe not million but certainly hundreds. I cannot believe the money I've wasted when all I needed was this. It really is a miracle worker. I will use it FOREVER. Thank you thank you thank you!! It has taken 90% of my darkness away and even lifts my lids the way Botox used to. I LOVE this serum and gave told everyone I know about it. I never comment, but had to come back here to say THANK YOU!!!!

Stacy CUrran said...

I'm posting with permission because Amie could not post herself (I don't know what but anonymous were getting lost). Here is her comment, and her profile is here, where she won the eye serum giveaway:

Hi Stacy,

I would love to contribute my opinion as I ADORE this product; is there any way for you to post my words? Here's a copy of my comment: "For all of you who are hesitating about trying yet another "miracle cream', don't lump this one in with the rest. Stacy's before and after pics enticed me to give this serum a try and all I can say is WWWOWWW! The fine lines are GONE, my eye area is much brighter and tighter and I don't look tired all the time. Love this product so much I signed up for auto-shipments so I never run out! Thanks for sharing this with the rest of us, Stacy! --Amie"

Thanks again, Stacy!

MariaT said...

I posted to my Health Stuff board on Pinterest. I have been interested in this product since seeing your pics almost a year ago, and I would LOVE to win the serum! Thanks - Maria Tarry

Cherie M said...


Laura Kat said...

Pinned, and I seriously cannot wait to use this product! Thank you for offering this giveaway!

Susan said...


'LUSH' said...

Created a board just to pin this. Also pinned it to 'LUSH' Life Style board. Hope to win!! Thank you!

Karena said...

Stacey Oh my goodness do I ever need this!! I posted to my Beauty Buff Board on Pinterest! Fingers are crossed!

The Arts by Karena

Cynthia said...

Pinned it! Sounds like a wonderful product - thank you for the giveaway and all the beautiful inspiration.

Unknown said...

Pinned and would love to win. maureen

Fiona said...

Thank you for posting about this amazing serum, I am turning60 this year, I know this will be a good start to get rid of my under eye bags, lol, posting this too my Pinterest. Anything I can do to keep my skin looking younger, I am all for it...keep sharing, love your blog!!!!

Taylor said...

Pinned! I am half Italian and have a 2 year old - I have got some serious dark circles! Have tried every concealer I could find for years and years. Would LOVE to try this!!

Lucy said...

just pinned to my beauty board on Pinterest. Would love to try this!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like what I need! Going to order some!

LL from KS said...

I pinned this to my health and beauty board. I sure hope I win because both my husband and I want to try this product!

epiccioneb said...

I just pinned this and really hope I win. I want to try this so bad but with a family of six its a splurge I can't do right now. If I tried and it worked I would absolutely splurge on future shipments!!!

Anonymous said...

Pinned onto mt favorite product

BlackAsphodel said...

Pinned here:


Donna Flores-Hinojos said...

That looks amazing! I posted to my Board, Beauty, etc. Thanks!

Mrs. Blumberg said...

can't wait to try this! I have been searching high and low for something to help my eyes.