Blogs Emit CO2? YES THEY DO!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

This is not a sponsored or paid post. It is just me telling you something I recently leaned, and in return a great company called Green Gestures is planting a tree to help reduce the carbon footprint of this blog.

In the words of a representative of Green Gestures:
Every time someone visits a web page, CO2 is emitted. These emissions come from the cooling and energy consumption of (mainframe) computer servers and hardware. According to a study by Harvard physics Ph.D Alexander Wissner-Gross, each visit to a web page results in an average of 20 milligrams (0.0008 ounces) of CO2 emissions. For a blog with average traffic (around 15,000 page views per month), the blog emits 8 lbs of CO2 each year.  

Green Gestures wants to make people aware of these affects on the environmental and help make the world a greener place.  


If you want to participate like I did, please write a short blog post and add this link  (and if you want you can even add a “One Blog, One Tree” badge found here.  Then send an e-mail here containing the URL of your post, and they will plant a tree for your blog!

Karena said...

Stacey how fascinating!! Thanks for sharing!

Feature: "House Proud"

ruediger benedikt said...

Your fantastic blog just proves that classic design will never be out of fashion, there is something very timeless and elegant to it. Classic design not only applies for luxury homes but also for all kinds of fashion and interior design, so thanks to your posts keep the classic design spirit is being kept alive, thank you so much!

Merlin said...

We're big fans of "Arbor Day Foundation" and just planted a dozen saplings. Go Green! franki