The Art of Styling a Bookcase

Sunday, March 10, 2013

 It really is an art, isn't it?  I change mine all the time, and have yet to get it perfect.  They keep getting cluttered up when I'm not looking.  I think it's because my husband and I have this silent war going on where he keeps adding books and I keep removing them.  He wrongly assumes that bookcases should have a lot of books.  How silly of him :)

Here are my tips for arranging objects.  Color coordinate, and put like items together.  So, all red goes together, etc.  Candlesticks, for example, should go in groups of three or more, etc.  Also, use the opportunity to place items on the shelves that reflect the colors in the room.  There is an example below of a room with a red fretwork chair where the items on the shelves tie into the red - great example.  Finally, put some items vertically and some horizontally, and never too much on a shelf - don't be afraid of empty space.  In my room there is a lot of pattern, and a bold pattern on the rug, so the shelves look too busy for the room when they are packed, although in less busy rooms that would look great.  So that's it, the sum total of what I know about arranging shelves!

Here are mine as they are today:

And here are some of my all time favorites:

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Acquired Objects said...

I have to laugh what you said about your husband thinking bookshelves were for the books. I've given up trying to have styled shelves for the same reason. The husband has to many books, so do I for that matter that our shelves are greatly needed for the boks. So no real styling for us although I keep trying.


The enchanted home said...

Fantastic post. I am going to bookmark this as there are so many beautiful and inspiring ideas here and I have a few bookshelves in need of some tlc..enjoy your Sunday.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the great post - I'm going to reference it often I'm sure. I'm in a new home and in the process of decorating and am comfortable with almost everything - except the corner fireplace. Any suggestions? It's so large/deep that I can't reach the back corner without a step stool. I'd love to redesign it, but that's not in the budget. Thanks again, Stacy ! ~Suzy

Wendi @ Classic Chic Home said...

Great tips and examples, Stacy. Your bookshelves are beautifully styled. I'd so love to have a wall of built-ins in my home!

Unknown said...

Hi Stacy, I laughed out loud with the comment about your husband!!! I just cleaned out (removed) about 50 of his books from our library and put them in his den. Unfortunately, I have no book case there, so they are on the floor. For some reason he doesn't understand why I needed them removed from the main bookcase, only to put them on the floor;) PS. Thanks for adding me to your blogroll. I just figured out how to do that! Back at ya:)

Anna Fane said...

Silly husband! I love that comment, thank you for always putting out great content and even more amazing photographs. I always look forward to your posts. Have a great week! Anna