My Most Recent Project: Chalkboard Paint All Over the Place!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

This is my second post today because I know I promised you this yesterday. 

So, on a whim yesterday, I bought blackboard paint and painted a few things.  First, I did walls in my kids' rooms.  Here is Bobby's (he got the better deal - you'll see why):

To the far left is the door to come in.  There's that weird cutout space behind the door where we used to hang all of his baseball hats.  It was super cute, but he eventually outgrew them all and doesn't really wear hats anymore.  So that's where the chalkboard went (I moved the hamper - It doesn't usually sit in the center of the room):

 Here is another view.  He immediately drew a picture of his fish tank and a to do list below it. It's kind of hard to excite a 12.5 year old about anything decor-related, so it made me so happy that he wanted to draw before the paint was even dry.

 His to-do list, with little boxes checked off, which I find adorable: "Read, take a shower, clean room, feed fish, put clothes away"). He has his father's handwriting.

 A note about the paint - it does not look grainy like this in real life.  I didn't want to use a flash, so I had to lift the shadows on the photos in my photo-editing program.  So that makes it look grainy.  In real life its smooth and uniformly dark, dark gray (not quite black).  Well, you all know what a blackboard looks like - it looks just like that.

Then Ellie's room.  She got screwed, but is too little to realize it, thank god.  She didn't have a good wall to do - the cutout in her room, also behind the door, has a bookcase on it. So I had to do the back of her door:

 The panels make it kind of hard to draw, but she's a happy little thing who thanked me profusely and didn't complain once :)

The paint is SO easy to use (spreads like butter, only took one coat - seriously, this whole thing took like 20 minutes, including edging).  So, I had extra paint and extra time, so I wandered around the house looking for things to paint.

And this is what I came up with.  Am I the first to do the side of the fridge, so I have a blackboard AND a magnetic surface?  If I am, I'm a total genius.  But I assume I'm not the first.  What I really assume is that I must have seen it somewhere and put it in the back of my mind to store for later, when I could take credit for it as if it were my own idea :)

 The side of our fridge was already black, so it didn't change the look a bit, just the functionality.

Oh, and see the mirror leaning against the wall in the background? It is a 4 foot tall quatrefoil for $129 at Home Goods.  It's for my sister, who mentioned that she's been looking for one for ages.

This is what it has come to in our house. I now tag things with notes like this for my husband, since he comes home to new decorating stuff laying around almost every day.  That note says "Not for us. Don't freak!"

Anyway, the chalkboard paint is AWESOME and I'm so glad I did it :)

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*See My 15 Most Popular Posts HERE!

And on my other blog, Mary Jane's Makeup, today:
"Genius! Why Didn't I Think of This?"


This stuff is AWESOME: 

The enchanted home said...

I so love that you are such a doer. You get an idea and bam! just like that its done. This looks so good. Love the idea of the door cute. And how clever to do the side of the fridge, convenient place to jot things you need from the market and have an ongoing list! Very creative Stacy!!

Katherine said...

Chalk paint is so much fun. We have a panel painted on our kitchen cupboard above our coffee machine, the placement encourages us to leave messages for each other.
Do not use the chalk markers - they don't clean of well. Plain old chalk works best and wipe it off with a dry cloth to best protect the paint. I found after a week or so adding another coat of chalk paint gave the wall a more solid finish.

Carolyn@Sweet Chaos Home said...

Love it! I've done chalkboards for two of my sons. Now the other two want them, too. Your kids' rooms look adorable. And, why did you have to show that HG mirror? It's like crack to me :)

carolyn bradford said...

Wonderful post, Stacy! So glad I sat down for a few to read a couple of my favorite blogs! Life has gotten so hectic! I sure wish I'd known about this paint when my children were young! They would've loved it! I love the note to your husband…I do that same thing quite often! Have I written you back about the procedure I had done? If not, remind me and I will tell you all about it! Have a great week!

Erin said...

Love the idea of painting the side of the fridge!! Our fridge is in a spot where is hugged by walls so I'll just enjoy yours!
And that mirror is great! I found a smaller white one not too long ago but this one is amazing!

PamLuvsPink said...

Hi Stacy!!!

What a great idea!!!!

My kids would have loved this!! Now that they're in their twenties, I wonder if I should do this for them! LOL

I love how your son drew his fish tank and a to do list, checking it off once he completed them. That's so great!!!

The idea to do your daughter's door...What a canvas!!!

I laughed when the mention and the pic of the note to your husband concerning the mirror. I have to do the same thing!!


Acquired Objects said...

You're cute you know that Stacy? For someone who said they aren't into or can't do DYI projects you're churning them out!


Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Love your chalkboard areas!!...REALLY love the door...a great idea!!, hate to burst your bubble..but I have seen the refrigerator idea out there in blogland...But, yours is very an exquisite kitchen of black and white!!...AND, I love your notes...I need to try that, even if it is for me!!..HA!!...

Teresa Hatfield ~ Splendid Sass said...

Twins maybe? I am a chalkboard paint freak. If it isn't glued down.
Love what you have done here.
Happy Thursday.

Kathysue said...

Wow! You were one busy lady with the paint brush. You used it in all the right spaces, love it

Jennifer@ClassicStyleHome said...

How fun! I love that your son made a responsible to do list. My 10 year old son's would have said,"Play xbox, go to football practice, play more xbox, listen to music on ipad." A friend of mine just did a huge chalkboard in her kitchen and now I see yours. I may just have to do one, too!

Taylor Greenwalt said...

Great that you painted the side of the Fridge!

Amor said...

My daughter is 13 and has been begging for a wall like this, and after reading this, I think I must just DO it now! Love love the note on the mirror, I had a good giggle about that!