Today's Excitement and a Featured Designer

Monday, June 13, 2011

I found out today that one of my rooms was featured in a Houzz article!  It was the last one I would have expected to be featured -- isn't that always the way?  The article was about roman shades and is here.  These are some of the rooms featured:

Here's mine!

The author of the article, Killy Sheer, is a designer in Austin.  Her work is so different from mine (much more modern), but I am so glad to have "discovered" her.  Here is some of her work.  The first ten of these are of her 350 square foot apartment. Yup, you read that right....350 square feet!

Thanks for reading!!

I hope you'll visit my store for Rugs, Lighting, Art, Furniture and more:


,Must See Daily Deals at One Kings Lane!
Carrie @ Hazardous Design said...

Very cool! Congrats on your feature!

Barbara@HausDesign said...

How cool is that! Congratulations and well deserved! :) Sorry I'm late on that - still catching up after vacation. How exciting for you!!!