Change is Good, Right?

Monday, March 9, 2015

,I really don't like writing about blogging and all of its technicalities, but sometimes it is necessary to explain things. I've been having trouble with the Google email provider that I've always used, so I had to change it. What a nightmare, but hopefully this will work. For those of you who haven't received blog posts by email in the last few days (which is approximately all of you), you can click here to view them and get updated.

Here is a screenshot of today's email. Of course the content will change with every post, but this will give you an idea. If you'd like to sign up for emails, do so HERE)

Also, I know a lot of my readers write their own blogs, so for those of you who are interested, the new service is Mail Chimp. I would say an intermediate knowledge of html is required to do this email template, mainly because of the sidebar and custom buttons at the bottom, but even with no html knowledge you can easily set up a basic design and have it mailed automatically with post updates, just like with the service you are probably using now (Feedburner if you use Blogger).

      Hopefully this is the last technical update I'll have to post for a while.  I hope you enjoy your Monday eye candy!


Jennifer@ClassicStyleHome said...

I spy a kitchen that looks very familiar and amazing of course! Pinning away!

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

I just switched over to Mad Mimi...quite pleased with them and their customer service...great Monday eye candy...and my fav is your kitchen!

RicMil said...

Stacy, please know how much I/we love your blog and appreciate everything you put into it - headaches included! The new format is wonderful, but your 'voice' is the best of all!

Karena said...

Stacy I know, tech issues make me crazy, as you know my posts have not updated on blog rolls for a long time and I have tried everything to correct it to now avail. Any thoughts I appreciate.

Great rooms, that living room with the yellow sofa, and several of the dining, amazing!

The Arts by Karena

Sandra Lee said...

I applaud you for doing this everyday these pictures are lovely. Especially the second to last one!