This Is Normal Behavior, Right? And a Must See Time Saving Changing Life Hack

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I've been feeling so much better the last couple of days and I consider myself recovered. I want to thank you all again for your kind concern and emails. Your messages really meant so much to me. 

Having mono really did slow me down a lot, and I fell way behind.  Last night I realized for the first time that I am pretty much at the point where getting everything done that I need to get done before Christmas is a mathematical impossibility, at least if I want to sleep. So, after I counted the days and it dawned on me that I am screwed, what did I decide to do from about 9 PM until midnight? Work? Shop? Wrap presents? Nah, instead I did what any sane person in my situation would do -- I played with my board covers on Pinterest, changing them back-and-forth, back-and-forth, back and forth, until I was bleary-eyed and dozing off with my ipad in my hand (on my chest, really, while I'm laying down, so that just when I start to nod off, it falls and slams into my face. Awesome).  

What? You guys do that too, right? Procrastination and denial in its highest and purest form, thank you very much. 

Here's one thing from last night that I thought was really cute. For school, Ellie was writing a paragraph about a tradition that is important to her. She decided to write about a restaurant in Boston that we always go to around Christmas time. She gave it to me to proofread, and I saw that she had written "It is a Talian restaurant and it is my favorite." After I told her that someone from Italy is "Italian," not "a Talian," she just squinted at me, totally suspiciously, like I was making it up or tricking her. Finally, she said, "No. I don't think so." I had to get Daddy to tell her too before she'd believe me. Seriously, haven't I spent almost every minute of the last 9 years teaching her, and she all of a sudden thinks I'm making stuff up?! I mean, I totally do make stuff up all the time of course, but not stuff like that!

Unlike Bobby, Ellie likes to make an occasional appearance here. So here she is with all her attitude:

Making us laugh every day:

 And onto the rooms:

Have you seen this wrapping trick? It blew my mind, and I'm about to go put it to good use!
Terrible photo, but a MUST SEE:


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Anonymous said...

Your daughter is precious!
I'm kind of digging the room with the emerald green drapes.

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

So glad to hear that you are feeling better..and it seems that when I am overwhelmed with my to do list I tend to do something that is NOT on my list ...
Loved the pic of your daughter and we also have a favorite Talian restaurant too!..Hope you can get through your to do list...feel better and take care of yourself!

Jennifer@ClassicStyleHome said...

I can so relate to all of that! My middle son tells me I'm wrong all the time. If I had a dime every time he said,"Well, my teacher said..." I smack myself in the head with my kindle at least three times a week as I'm falling asleep. And, in one of my bouts of insomnia recently I changed all my social media profile pics and my Pinterest board covers. But, I told my husband I had no time to pick a vacation home for this summer. Oh, well. Just give the kids cash for Christmas and order some cookies from a bakery. Everyone will be happier that way. ;)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful rooms. I love the gray paint in the room with the purple sofa!


Katherine said...

How cute is Ellie's sleep mask - adorable.

Love the room with the blue velvet sofa and matching long bench seat.

I need to try the wrapping technique.

Leslie @ Segreto Secrets said...

Your daughter is adorable! Kids are great for a laugh even when you aren't feeling well!
xo. Leslie
Segreto Finishes

Sandra Lee said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better and Ellie is a doll. The gift wrapping technique was something else. I watched a couple more and that would take lots of practice and patience. Thanks for the eye candy!

Kathysue said...

Love the story about Ellie and she is just getting so pretty!!! Yes, procrastination befalls we perfectionist, it is a curse!!
Kathysue still Falalaling!!

The enchanted home said...

Sorry to hear you have been sick but happy you are doing better! You cracked me up about what you were doing last night...I find myself doing similar things like NOW, I should be downstairs wrapping but truth is I am bone tired and I just don't have it in me tonight, so I escape to blogland and my other happy place,Pinterest so I am right there with you sister!

Feel better soon:)

Karena said...

Stacey your daughter is a doll, a precocious one at that! Love it!
That wrapping video was very fast!

Great rooms today as well!
The Arts by Karena

Merlin said...

This HAS TO BE such a FUN time in your life (minus the mono...) so enJOY every moment like this!!! Just SO CUTE!! So...keep that "kerchief" on and settle in for a (needed) long winter's nap!! franki

designchic said...

Your daughter is adorable even when you're feeling puny…so glad you're feeling better. So many gorgeous images - love the first living room!