So. So. Good. Awesome, Even.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Can you guys guess where these room images below are from? I would have guessed West Elm, (which has been great lately), but would have been wrong:


What if I told you they are all Target. Yes, Target!!

In particular, the Target Awesome Shop!  And it IS awesome. Of course it has been around for a while now, but I really think it is getting better. I also think furniture is getting cheaper. I've been noticing it for about a year, and I'm more convinced than ever, although I don't know why.

These are the most pinned and most popular items that make up the awesome shop feed, which changes as things rise in popularity.  These first ones are my very favorite things that I want to buy right now.  The designs are amazing. And are they on trend? Let's see..... Mint green? Check.  Color of the year? Check. Mini dots? Check. Gold Legs? Check. Metallics? Check. Pastels? Check. Velvet and tufting? Check and Check. Take a look and click any image to view it:


And the copper trend. LOOK at all the copper!

There are also some wood furniture and bookcases crying out for spray paint. What a bargain  DIY with these would be. Can't you just hear these begging for a makeover?

My only complaint with Target is that most things are mail order only. In my experience, you really can't find much in the stores. But the low prices and regular 10-15% off online make it worth it to me.                             

And better yet, there are SO many trendy items (categorized here and shown below):
Kelly Wearstler Inspired Bedding and Rugs 
Moroccan Rugs
Stylish Chairs
Pastel and Gold Lighting
Threshold Kitchen & Dining
Copper Accents
Gold Tables
There are some amazing things here (Pillows, Textiles, Lights, Chairs, Rugs....), but the images are small (and off center, but refuse to be aligned), so you have to look a little closer or click to view:


And finally, one fashion item I ran across that I must have (for $22, I already ordered them)!

Happy Target shopping, and see you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Love it
Love it
Love it!!!
Your new format so easy to see and acess.
Thanks for the change (and I already ordered those flats - a first for me!)

Anonymous said...

I clicked over from e-mail - the new blog format is great! Beautiful and easy to use. Thank you Stacy!!

mcm said...

Great post, Stacy! Thanks for the heads up on Target ( I'd always thought they were stylish and fun, but now
they're getting serious, :-).

Also, LOVE your new layout - great job!

Merlin said...

Target is just UPPING the design scale!!! franki

Diana @ Your Day Simplified said...

Love your new layout too! I always click over so that I can PIN some of your photos. You can't do that from the email feed.

PamLuvsPink said...

Hi Stacy!!

Wow!! I was floored when you said it was Target! Never knew and now I do, so, a shopping I must do!

Have a great week!!
