50 Favorites for Friday - Four Years Later

Friday, July 31, 2015

I thought I'd go back to my roots on this 50 Favorites post. Those of you who have been following for a while might be shocked to know that it's been four and a half YEARS since my first one (time does fly)! They started as a random collection of 50 photos that crossed my desk during the week. Which is exactly what you're getting today, as opposed to the themed types I've been doing more recently. I hope you enjoy!

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Wow..it's been 4 years?....time is flying by!....When I see the 50 Favorites, it makes me want to toss out everything and start all over again!...Such amazing, amazing rooms!....Have a great weekend!

Karena said...

Happy Anniversary Stacy, you put so much into bringing us THE most Beautiful images in the world!! Happy Weekend!

The Arts by Karena

diane said...

Time does fly but I enjoyed this one just as much as the very first one. I have enjoyed watching your young family grow and look forward every week to your posts so thanks for all the effort.