40 Fabulous Lonny Outdoor Spaces

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hi everyone! Well, it took me long enough, but I finally figured out how to make this blog responsive for mobile. I changed the template a bit for mobile, so now you can see it the way I meant it to be seen (I hope). Someone emailed me today asking "Do you have subscription options on your blog?" D'oh! Huge mistake by me - the subscribe links weren't showing up on the layout I was using. Now, if you want to read by mobile but haven't been because the template was awful, now you can :) 

Images via Lonny
FrenchGardenHouse said...

Each one of these is beautiful. Loved this post filled with outdoors inspiration.

carolyn bradford said...

Loved seeing your blog tonight! I was just going through all of my very old posts…like from 2012 and realized just how much I miss hearing from you and so many others! Would love any and all input on how to revitalize my own blog! I've always loved yours and respect your incredible design skills. Hope you are doing well, Stacy

designchic said...

So many beautiful images - I'd never go inside! Hope you're having a great week, Stacy!

Merlin said...

I am SO a SUMMER time!!! franki

margif said...

I have always loved your blog. I can no longer pin anything from it. It has the tiny pin button on each photo but Pinterest always gives an error message. This has been happening since the site was changed. Thank you for any help! Margi

Karena said...

Fabulous Stacy; however I cannot pin either!! ( VParameter 'browser_extension_tracking_id was not numeric

The Arts by Karena
Artist Leah Bowring

Segreto Secrets said...

Hooray for the great outdoors! Even in Houston's almost-August heat, these images are calling my name!! The ones with the pools call the loudest!! xo Leslie