Sunday Dreaming: Formal Rooms

Sunday, November 23, 2014

I remember a new friend walked into my house recently and said "Wow. It's so decorated."  Her house was WAY nicer than mine, huge and on the water, but it was not really finished yet, in terms of decorating. So, I kind of knew what she meant, and laughed - one thing about my rooms, I don't stop until they are "decorated," and then I usually am ready for a change and start again. Here are some great examples of what I mean:

My Favorite sale today and other Daily Deals:


Merlin said...

Stacy,'s "decorated" what...we TWEAK!! :) franki

Teresa Hatfield ~ Splendid Sass said...

Gorgeous rooms! Every inch is decorated.Pinning a few of these beauties.

Sandra Lee said...

These rooms are decorated to the nines! Our challenge is to finish what we started. We're super ambitious at the beginning of a project but the enthusiam starts to wane after a while. Hence a few rooms that aren't fully decorated. Thanks for the inspiration!