Why I Think You Might Be Paying Too Much for Furniture

Sunday, March 13, 2016

One thing I know I am good at is finding deals. I think it is because if I am looking for something, I read the whole internet about it. So, if I need a gold lamp, I look at *all* of the gold lamps. This is barely an exaggeration.  Recently I was looking for a white hide rug, and was up until 3:30am clicking every single one of them on every single site I thought would be good for them. It's just my personality and sometimes I drive myself crazy, but it has benefits. Like this - a collection from all of my various posts and pages of things I know to be great deals. They are cut and paste from my other posts, and sometimes that causes links to break. If you find one not working, just let me know and I'll fix it (sorry in advance, but I can't tell until it's published). This post is different from my "Sources" page in the blog header because those are listed without real regard to price. Also, I might make a commission if you buy something - it's complicated and has to do with where else you might have clicked from. There is more information about why I use affiliate links here.

The point is, if you are shopping only in physical furniture stores, you are probably paying too much. I know a lot of people are reluctant to buy online, but I don't know what I'd do without it. First, stores only have a fraction of the items to see in person because there just isn't room. Second, for stores that are drop-ship, they don't even have warehouses, so they can charge much less. This is the big selling point for me - I buy too much furniture for my own house to be able to pay more than the lowest price available.

One last note - I wouldn't do a whole house in the least expensive things available, but I absolutely have many, many of these items or brands in my house. I will almost always look to lower cost options for tables and rugs and lamps and even beds. I'm a little more leery of sofas, but less leery on chairs like dining and desk chairs. I guess it all comes down to how you are going to use them.

You can click any image to go to the product.

This is my absolute FAVORITE brand for style and price:

















Update: This brand is INCREDIBLE:

Jennifer@ClassicStyleHome said...

Oh wow! This is a lot of great stuff! Thanks for sharing. Pretty much all the furniture, lighting and rugs I bought for the new house was found online. I was nervous years ago when I first started buying things online, but I've had such great luck with almost everything that I've bought so far. I can't say I've saved any money though lol. Oh well!

diane said...

It is so generous of you to share your hours and hours of research with all of us. And I always love your choices!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing these sources! We love furniture pieces that are usually out of our price range. (Champagne tastes, and all:)) Using online sources we have been able to buy Henkel Harris, EJ Victor, Old Colony, and other pieces from the 1920's at a fraction of the cost. I'm warming up to the idea, however, that not every end table and ottoman needs to be a high-end manufacturer. I also love the idea of using etsy for the curtains. I just wish I could find a shop owner that does a relaxed Roman-type valance. Most shops seem to sell only panels.

Stacy CUrran said...

Michele: here is a store for them on Etsy. I also have had good experiences when asking shop owners for items slightly different than what they offer. So for example if you had your own fabric or other needs, most sellers are accommodating! https://www.etsy.com/shop/DrawnCompany http://etsy.me/1mG2UFF


Anonymous said...

Great post Stacy! I used to be reluctant to buy online too, but now I couldn't function any other way!

mcm said...

great post, stacy! i also like to shop around (for the eye candy if nothing else, lol). many thanks for taking the time to share. i will refer your post to my friends.