Before & After Project Reveal / Boston Interiors Winner / A New Target Brand I Love / Fashion Finds

Monday, March 28, 2016

Yesterday I showed you the Cape Cod living room project reveal that I just finished, but I neglected to show you before photos. I'm sorry, and thank you SO much to the reader who pointed it out.

The house is near the water and the owner had used it as a bright and cheery sitting room. I loved the room in its before state. It was typical for the Cape, and was done in all Calico Corners furniture that had been on the cover of the store's 2012 catalog:

And the owner's photos from the room itself. The photos, taken for the furniture sales by the owner, are too sharp and edited too much, but it is the exact same furniture shown above in the catalog:


As you can tell in the after photos that I showed you yesterday (more here), we didn't change the layout. We changed all of the furniture and the entire feel of the room, though:


I honestly love both styles and both rooms. Some people need color, and some people need calm. I go back and forth. I'm just happy that the client is happy, because this was among the more drastic changes I have done.

My sources are listed HERE at the bottom of the post.

Last night I stumbled upon this new to me brand at Target (Kate Aspen), and I think it is adorable, especially the gold elephant tea light candle holders:


I bought these first shoes last year, and I can't rave enough about how much I love them. They are among the only heels I can wear all night comfortably. For some reason, they sent me an email today saying they are back in stock (even though I bought them there a year ago), so I thought I'd share.The second pair is the one I have my eyes on for this year:

Since I'm talking fashion, here are a bunch of random other things I love (available here or by clicking the images below):

And these are all an extra 25% off today. So those shearling booties, originally $250, are now $60 (but only 2 left). There are even a few of Clare V items, which I have never seen at 55% off:

See you tomorrow everyone!

You can ignore these - these are just for my pins (still trying to figure out what Pinterest wants before they'll show my pins)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the before-pictures - it was pretty but I love what you did with it!

Karena said...

Always love before and afters!! Great job!
I have been over at the Anthropology site perusing, fun post!

Featuring Artist Scott McBee

The enchanted home said...

In one word the makeover is AWESOME!!! I love the after:)

Sueli said...

You did a great job. I love the before & after photos - such a transformation! Congratulations!