Stunning Hotel and Restaurant Design

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

This is kind of weird, but I've had several different people contact me recently for blogging advice, and all of them have asked pretty specific legal questions. I hate to have to answer people this way, but I do have to. I can't give any kind of advice that could be construed as legal advice. Ironically, the reason I can't is because I am a lawyer. Sounds weird, but the rules are in place for good reasons. The legal bar does not want anyone to mistakenly believe they are getting legal advice unless they are really clients of the lawyer (it's more complicated than that, but you get the point). Answering legal questions, especially about something I currently do for work, is a really gray area and I could be disbarred for it. So, it's not worth the risk. I'm really sorry.

Secondly and more importantly, thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers about our family friend yesterday.  I am so pleased to say that she is doing really well after a heart attack. We'll know more today, but it is looking optimistic I think, so thank you!! Please please let me return the favor for you when you need it.

Today, I have some hotels and restaurants for you. What's more fun than a trip to the city? I really don't want to live in a big city ever again, but I definitely always want one close. I remember going the 30 miles to Boston as a child with my parents for dinners and theater and sometimes overnights. I fell in love right then and there. My mom wore her mink coat and pearls and looked like a movie star to me. Sometimes I wonder if my daughter will ever think of me that way. I kind of doubt it since I wear more yoga pants and pajamas than anything, and don't wear fur or anything much fancier than a pink pony tail holder. Anyway, enjoy the images!

The enchanted home said...

Wow!! These are incredible...never in my life have I enjoyed and appreciated a beautiful restaurant more than i do now..I get so excited getting to go to a beautifully decorated restaurant and these are amazing!

Merlin said...

Don't tell me these are all in Boston...if so, I'm bookin it outa here right now!!! Stunning!! franki

Sandra Lee said...

Pretty swanky!