50 Favorites for Friday 8.25.16

Thursday, August 25, 2016

I have no idea what is going on with Pinterest these days, but I did notice in the last two days my feed has improved. Has anyone else noticed that? I still get very, very old pins. Some of them are included here and I know are at least 10 year old rooms, but I have enjoyed seeing them again and hope you do, too. Anyway, even though the pin images are old, at least they are pins that I haven't seen 100 times a day, so that's a change for the better. 

One thing that really annoys me is the change where every pin shows how many times it has been pinned overall (by everyone combined), but you can't tell whether they are your own repins. The only way you can track that is if you have a business account and use the Pinterest Analytics. I assume that must be intentional and that they want people to have business accounts. Or they want to cater to businesses and not so much to individuals. It's just a theory, but it's really too bad if true. I know I've talked about this several times before, but I just wish it would go back to the old way. But I am grateful that my feed looks better.

Here are the 50 favorites this week:

Want to see what I've been lusting after lately? Free People. Almost everything in their new catalog. The best boots I ever bought were from FP, and I just wore them last weekend to a Zack Brown concert (which, by the way, was the BEST show I have ever been to - if you get the chance, you should go, whether you like country or not).  Anyway, I wish I could buy everything here. I also would need some places to wear them, but that's a different story. I'm not buying much this fall, but one thing for sure at the top of my list is red boots. Probably short ones for jeans, but the thigh highs are pretty cool, too....


Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking the time to compile different rooms each day. I appreciate it and though I don't have homes as large or luxurious as these, I can poach an idea or two.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous images! And I agree, I wish that Pinterest would go back to the way it used to be

Merlin said...

WOW!! And...ROCK THOSE RED BOOTS...gotta check this out...like I need ANOTHER pair of boots...luv red!! franki

margif said...

I am with you Stacy. For those of us with Pinterest from the beginning we remember those good ole days. We would log in and see only pins from people we chose to follow so seeing pinterest that way was a total joy. Now they have ads (I keep telling them I don't want ads but keep getting them) and their suggestions for me which are never what I want to see. I never see the pins from boards/people I have chosen to see. So now I open up my Pinterest and it looks awful. I used to see the pins I posted with my name too. It kept me in sync. Those were great days!