An Amazing Kitchen Makeover by Pink Peonies

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Hi everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend. I still haven't been able to write very much on these posts because I am just so swamped with work. Which of course is a good thing, but I do miss over sharing with my readers ;)  Thank you everyone who has asked about my bathroom progress. We had an unfortunate delay because the bathroom supplier said that they had the correct shower pan, but ended up supplying the wrong one, which was too small, and they didn't in fact have the correct one in stock. So we had to wait about two weeks for it to come in special order. It was just installed yesterday, so now the contractor can start everything else. Basically we have had a demolished bathroom for a couple of weeks with no progress. But that's what happens sometimes and it's certainly not the contractor's fault. Anyway I should have a lot more to show you at the end of the week and I can't wait.

I stumbled upon this kitchen makeover on Pinterest a couple of weeks ago and was thrilled. You know how sometimes you click through and it's not really as much your style as you thought? Not this time.  Rachael Parcell at Pink Peonies shows up what I think is one of the best kitchen reveals in a long, long time. What do you think?

Isn't that amazing? I love every single inch of it.
Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous kitchen! Love the white with natural color accents from the flowers and fruit.

e.Mle said...

This is a really special kitchen installation. I can't imagine what the dimensions must be - there are so many special work centers that make up this glorious room. That island top must be close to a record size. Thanks for the chance to see the kitchen.