A Small House Change and What I Love Wednesday

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Hi everyone! I saw this image recently and fell in love:

I love every single thing about it, but most especially that furry daybed.  I immediately went to Fabric.com and ordered a sample of every single white faux fur they had in this category (faux Mongolian lambskin - I don't buy real fur but like I always say, to each their own).  When the samples came, this one matched exactly, so I ordered two yards for $50. It comes 60" wide so it was more than enough to cover my daybed:

I really love it (and so does the puppy Coco), but with these short New England days I keep missing getting a good photo. I thought I was getting better at my camera when I took some decent photos the other day, but alas, I spoke too soon.

On to What I Love Wednesday, and if I don't talk yo you before, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Jennifer@ClassicStyleHome said...

Love your new fur! There are so many good things about each of these photos that it took me forever to get to the end of this post. Taking mental notes!