“Away from the world and its toils and its cares, I've a snug little kingdom up four pair of stairs.”

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

decorating, design, interior decorating, interior design, interior design blog, best design blog, best interior design blogs, foyers, doors, best interior designers, stairs, stairways, staircases, white rooms, family room, living room, kitchen, bedroom, south shore decorating

How's that for a blog post title? It's a quote is from Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray, and it's always spoken to me.  My friend posted a gorgeous staircase on Pinterest the other night (don't you just LOVE Pinterest???), and instantly inspired this post.  Stairways can often be ignored, especially in houses that were already built, like mine.  I would love the chance to choose a staircase style if I ever build a house.  Check out Tina's stairway at the home she is currently building...isn't it AMAZING???  you'll love her blog, The Enchanted Home, too -- it's one of my favorites. Here is her new staircase:

I remember as a child, when my parents returned from a trip to Europe, they talked a LOT about the Spanish Steps. I didn't really get it, seeing as how they had seen Paris, Italy, the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo's David, etc....why were they so impressed with STAIRS?? Now I get it!

Here are some others that I find really interesting. I wouldn't put all of them in my own home, but they are down right works of art:

Jennifer Lopez' stairs. I have to accept that she is going to have the most beautiful of everything, and just be happy for her :)

This was the photos that inspired my kitchen paneling project.  I hope to do my stairs like this someday, but I literlly cannot even imaging how hard this would be:

I love this idea maybe going up to an attic or third floor playroom:

Image Sources

Thanks for reading!!

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,Must See Daily Deals at One Kings Lane!
helen tilston said...

A wonderful post. It gives no meaning to the phrase"Want to come up and see my etchings"

Two Thirty Five Designs said...

Ahh.....I myself have a slight obsession with stairs ;). LOVING this post!

Michelle said...

My next house must have a staircase!

Barbara@HausDesign said...

What an awesome post Stacy - you have quite a collection of images! I am with you - a staircase is so often overlooked but makes SUCH a statements since it's most often right there when people walk in the front door! Great ideas here - I loved the Doors song on the stairs - how cute would that be in the right spot??!! Oh, and I don't use Google Friends - something I need to look into! Sorry!