Mid-Century Modern Lighting Icons (50 Favorites For Friday #220)

Friday, March 11, 2016

Remember when mid-century modern was just "modern?" As you probably know if you come here frequently, I'm not the biggest fan of the style for my house. I prefer today's modern mixed with some traditional.  But one thing I do love about mid-century mod is the lighting. It's aways the lighting for me.

The original lighting from decades ago was by several well-known designers, but the one I most associate with the time is Gaetano Sciolari. You can still find some original Sciolari pieces on First Dibs, eBay, and sometimes Charish. Here are a few from First Dibs so you can get a sense of the original look if you didn't live through it:

Now, everyone from Jonathan Adler to Matt Blatt (replicas) seems to be influenced by these designs.

I love originals, but usually can't afford them, so I collect sources of similar ones and copies. I'll show you them at the end. FYI - There is one original Sciolari, if you like bidding for stuff (I don't) that is at $500 right now and is expected to go for as low as $1000 (that's insanely low for an original). Here is the auction if you are interested - it is the third one pictured above.

But first, the 50 mid-century mod lighting favorites:

(I posted about Gina Julian last week. This is her dining room in a previous state)


And here are my current favorites that are reasonably priced - from $200:

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17 18  19  20

And here are some from OKL today - I'm LOVING that cherry branch chandelier and have been mulling over in the back of my mind how I could maybe make one....

Images not directly linked can be found here
Anonymous said...

Totally agree Stacy - not a fan of mid-century mod except for the lighting - these are gorgeous!