Etsy Twelve for Tuesday (Favorite Etsy Shops #6)

Monday, March 7, 2016

It's Tuesday so it's my 12 favorite Etsy shops this week. I hope you like them!

1. This Wallpaper Shop

Aren't these patterns amazing? I especially like numbers three and four (which I think are the same except for the backgrounds). I think the prices are very reasonable as well.             

2. This Abstract Art

This artist does all types of subjects and mediums. I do really like her florals and landscapes, but as always I'm especially attracted to the abstracts.


3. Lucite Hardware

No explanation necessary, really. It's lucite, so I love it.


4. These Pillows

There are some fabrics I have literally never seen before, and even a lot of outdoor fabrics, starting at $19. Pretty good I think.


5. The succulents HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE

I just can't get enough of these. Mother Nature's colors are glorious, aren't they?


6. This Handmade Jewelry by a Reader

A reader sent me this link and I'm so glad she did!             

7. These Amazing Gold Leaf Rings

I love them, especially  the last:                     

8.  These Lights

This is another example of what I think is so outstanding about Etsy. I think these are so cool and I'm sure I never would have seen anything like them if not for Etsy:


9. Mid-Century Modern Lighting

So that fourth one? It's a copy of the Meurice chandelier which retails for $1600 (here is the original):           

10. More Abstracts

These are a little bit more bold than the ones I usually pick, but I like them (especially the fifth one):

11. Pet Clothing:

Those first two photos. I can't stand the cuteness and my puppy is about that size so I've added this to my wish list!


12. Handmade Sandals:

And a final example of why I love Etsy. I've never seen anything like these. They are marketed as wedding sandals but honestly I can't see why you couldn't wear them to the beach as well.


View ALL "Etsy Favorites" posts here.

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Best Etsy sellers for home decorating

Anonymous said...

Love these shops - thanks Stacy!

Leslie Sinclair said...

What great finds!! thanks so much for sharing these!!! xo Leslie Sinclair

Pura Vida said...

Ahhhh love it all