My Thoughts About Pinterest and Today's Top 25 Beautiful Rooms

Monday, November 10, 2014

Hi everyone! I hope you all had great weekends. Ours was very busy. We found an excellent new restaurant in a nearby town and went with friends Friday night (well, new to us anyway). Saturday, my husband brought all of the patio furniture in for the winter. Technically our 14-year-old son helped, but he complained so much that I think we blocked it out. Finally, on Sunday, while the boys were watching football, my daughter and I got a lot done in my bedroom (thank you Home Goods ;) It is really nearing completion but I don't know when I will be able to show you the final room because I still have to paint, and I am the best procrastinator in the world when it comes to painting. But I was able to find bedding, throw pillows, and accessories on my first try, and also hung the curtains. I promise I will try to show you the completed room really soon even if the paint is not done, and I will also give you a source list for everything.

Thoughts on Pinning

Ok, and now my thoughts about Pinterest and pinning. This is very difficult, because I really don't want to offend anyone. But honestly, I am kind of offended by some of the notes I get about Pinterest.

People write to me and say things like "if you keep pinning so much I have to unfollow. Please stop pinning so much or I promise you I will unfollow."

Or, "I really like you and want to keep following you, but I hate when you pin (x) and could you please not do it anymore." Or and one extreme case, "please only pin those things after midnight when I am asleep so I don't have to see them."

It always strikes me as kind of odd when I get emails like that. I follow lots and lots of people on Pinterest, but if they create a new board dedicated to bright purple children's wallpapers, I will probably unfollow that board. Clearly they are pinning that for themselves or possibly for a client. They are under no obligation to make that a secret board so that I not be annoyed, but also, I am under no obligation to follow it. So I just quietly unfollow and go on my merry way.  I would never ever in 1 million years write them an email asking them why in the world they created that board. Or worse, be aggressive and critical towards them for doing so. So it kind of annoys me when people write those emails to me. 

I am truly not talking to anyone specifically, and the people who have written those emails are probably not even readers of this blog.  But in case they are, here is what I would like to say about Pinterest. I pin a ton, and probably many many many of the pins and even boards are not something that you are interested in. So simply unfollow. Please don't write me an email and ask me to change my pinning practices so that you can continue to follow. Please also don't assume that your threat to unfollow me bears any weight – it really doesn't. Please understand that I pin for myself, for my clients, for blog readers, for Pinterest followers who like to see products, and in some cases even for stores, like Anthropologie.  In fact I have been pinning a lot for Anthropologie recently, and yes, it will totally clog your feed if you follow it. So only follow it if you, like 500,000 other Anthro followers, want to see it.  If you don't like it, by all means exercise your right to unfollow. It's really as simple as that. There is no need to write me a nasty email when you unfollow, and those emails kind of wreck my day.  So can't we just treat each other nicely on Pinterest? Thank you!!

Onto today's eye candy:


 All of these are ending tomorrow or the next day, and they are all too good to miss if you need anything:


Kathysue said...

Holy Smokes, that is really nervy of someone to email you that kind of complaint. I am in total agreement with you, they have the privilege of clicking the unfollow button, but should not be abusive to you personally. I get emails from people wanting to know where to get something in an image all the time. I guess they don't know to click on the image to go to the link. People can be odd at times. Keep pinning away. I love your pins!!! Happy Monday!

Karena said...

I love your pins as well Stacy, some people, I don't even know what to say, Really!!

The Arts by Karena

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Some people are just rude!....Keep feeding us those pins!!l..

Merlin said...

Seriously??? Absurd!! You GO GIRL!! franki

Anonymous said...

I think people have become incredibly brazen in their level of rudeness and inconsiderations hiding behind a keyboard.
Computers and the internet seem to have killed our social skills!
Hey Stacy--why the capcha now?

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say that I'm a new follower on Pinterest and I LOVE seeing all of your pins in my feed!

I also spent way too much time pinning photos from your blog yesterday so I was relieved to come across the post where you said you were ok with people pinning/repinning your images. Thank you for providing so much inspiration & generously sharing so much beauty.

Jennifer@ClassicStyleHome said...

This is so funny! I shouldn't be surprised by people, but I always am. I have to admit I would have so much fun with this. I would email the lady back and ask for her sleep schedule just to be sure you aren't pinning while she's awake. Then, email her again asking what time zone.

mj said...

I also want to say that I am a new follower on Pinterest and I LOVE your pins. I'm always so excited to see what you will pin next. Please keep pinning! Thank you for all the inspiration you provide.

Charlotte said...

Love, love, love, your blog and all your pins on Pinterest!

MamaR said...

I have to admit there are times when I'm reluctant to pin eleventy seven pins because I don't want to overwhelm those that follow me. However, the purpose of a pin board is to save things that I love, just as though they were actual idea boards hanging on my wall. Evidently, there are people who forget the only boards that are about them are the ones they create.

Winepine said...

I think your pins are great and it's unfortunate that some people are having a hard time with them. I say keep doing your thing!

My favorite picture is the rustic wine room with the modern appeal. The French doors and vintage flooring gives a nice look. I especially like the ample room on the shelves for wooden wine crates and wine racks.

If your looking for original wooden wine crates or wine boxes for future wine room builds visit Winepine.