My First Ever Giveaway From an Amazing New Company -- Twovet

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Today I want to introduce you to a young guy I met through the blogging network.  His name is Tim, and he invented a new product while in school. Yup, just like I did (haha just kidding).  He is a super nice guy and his new product is genius.  It's called the Twovet, and is a custom duvet with one thin and one thick side, for couples who like different warmth comforters.  So, after a lot of back and forth, we did an interview and he is giving away one of his products, a queen size Twovet, to one of my readers.  It's my first ever giveaway.  I love entering giveaways and am so grateful for those of you who do them, but I've never really thought to try to do my own, until I saw this product.  Who knows, maybe I'll do a ton of them now, but you can be sure it will be products I really believe in, like this one:

Click Image To Go To Product

The Twovet up for grabs is worth about $200, but honestly, would be worth so much more to a couple who disagrees about the blankets and ends up with a disaster of a bed every morning because one person is stealing covers and the other is kicking them off.   Here is the Twovet:


All you have to do to be eligible to win the Twovet giveaway is leave a comment here about what you think of his product, and like Tim on Facebook or Follow on Twitter.

Here is the interview, where you can learn more about Tim and his product, and hopefully be inspired by his creativity and drive: 
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself:

My name is Tim Doyle and I currently work full-time in the finance industry. At night, I am taking classes at Suffolk University towards my MBA. I currently live just west of Boston and grew up in New Hampshire. At an early age, I became fascinated with the operations of small businesses. When I have down time, I enjoy golf, snowboarding, traveling and hanging out with friends and family.

2. So you invented a comforter called the Twovét™. Tell us about it:

Over the years, my friends and family have given me a hard time for new product ideas. Similar to most people, I would think of solutions to problems that I currently had. However, none of these ideas came to fruition until the Twovét™.

Over the last few years, my girlfriend and I always fought about the number of comforters needed on our bed. She thought it was too hot in the room and I thought it was too cold. It's slightly embarrassing to admit that I was the colder one. More often than not, the female is the colder of the two. Likewise, my girlfriend was very picky about the way the bed looked, given she was studying interior design. Apparently, having three extra multi-colored twin comforters on one side of the bed, is not "aesthetically pleasing".

After the disagreements, I figured there must be a solution for this. After searching the internet in some detail for a comforter with two different thicknesses, I came up empty. From that point on, I was determined to create a comforter that provided comfort for couples with different warmth tolerances. The Twovét™ is a down alternative comforter designed with a warm (thick) side and cool (thin) side to satisfy different sleeping preferences. The name Twovét™ is the combination of the words "two" and "duvet".

3. What was your "Ah-ha" moment?

"Ah-ha" #1: After discussing this topic with friends, family and acquaintances, I realized that most couples have different sleeping preferences and there may be a need for a product like this.

"Ah-ha" #2: I made a sale to someone that I didn't know.

4. How did you go about making a prototype?

Two hours after deciding that I wanted to move forward with this idea, I drove to my parents house with a bag of materials from Jo-Ann Fabric. Thankfully my mother is skilled with the sewing machine and we had a miniature prototype created by the end of the day.

5. How can readers learn more about the product?

Feel free to check out our website, We are also on Facebook.

6. What advice would you give someone in the interior design industry that is looking to bring a product to market?

Many people get caught up with an idea. I would argue that the idea represents only 5% of the process. The other 95% is related to execution.

Create a product that solves a problem that you currently have.

Get as much feedback, as early as you can from people other than friends or family.

7. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Entrepreneurship is something that I am extremely passionate about. If there is one thing that I would like readers to take away from this interview, it is that anything is possible. If you decide that you want to invent the next product X, START TODAY! If any of your readers have additional questions or would like advice on how to get started with a product of their own, feel free to have them email me directly at


Isn't he great?  I know he really means it about talking to people who have their own business ideas, too.   So please help me support this young entrepreneur by:

1. Leaving a comment here about the product; and
2. Liking The Twovet on Facebook or following on Twitter.

The giveaway closes on January 18 at 12:00 -- all entries must be in by then, and I hope to announce the winner on January 19.

Good luck everyone!

And since this is a design blog, I want to show you my top 15 bedrooms that I've been drooling over as I obsess think about a new guest room:


Thanks for reading!!

I hope you'll visit my store for Rugs, Lighting, Art, Furniture and more:


,Must See Daily Deals at One Kings Lane!
Inge said...

What a great giveaway Stacy!! And Tim had a wonderful idea indeed! I admire him for being courageous to start his own business. It gets me inspired to start my own. :-) And I'm also glad to know my hubby and I aren't the only couple with this problem! I always steal the covers, and he's always feeling too warm. :-)
Love it, but I don't know if international readers are allowed to enter? Anyway, you're doing great!
Love, Inge x

Michelle Desai said...

I'm not very lucky when it comes to any kind of giveaway, but I figured I have a better chance of winning if I at least enter :) I will be honest in saying that I didn't even know what a duvet cover was until just recently. I am new to your page Stacy and am completely hooked! Thank you so much for all of the inspiration...we are in the process of buying a new house and I am so excited to try new out some of the incredible ideas that you share. I am going to share Tims story with my 10 year old (the inventor of the family). His latest idea is to make a "food glue"....this story will surely inspire him as well!

Simply Sara said...

Love duvets, and this one sounds great!!! What a neat idea that Tim came up with, it definitely makes sense. I think he will do really well with selling this product. It sounds like a great product for the hubby and I to give a try!!! Thanks for doing this wonderful giveaway!!!!

I am now following Tim on twitter

Am also a fan on Facebook

Sara Haga Gore

Manda said...

Wonderful giveaway and idea! I just got married on December 30th and trying to solve the cover dilemma. I always wanted a duvet but this is even better!

Thanks for the giveaway. I liked Tim and am following on Twitter. said...

I'm so glad to see something like this created. It would be such a solution for my husband and me since we have different needs. Love the idea!

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

What is that saying? "Why didn't I think of that?" He will most likely revolutionize the duvet industry. What couple has the same "body temps" I know we don't...Congrats on your first giveaway and what a fantastic product to begin with!..

I soo liked him on Facebook. Stacy, the bedroom pics are amazing. My bedroom re-do is on my 12 Projects of 2012 list!!..I am inspired!

akleinhokie said...

This would solve so many sleeping issues in our family! I need one!

Danielle said...

This is one of those "why didn't I think of that" ideas - I love it!

Wendi @ Classic Chic Home said...

This duvet is genius! I'd love to win this, but, if I don't, I may have to save up and buy one.
My hubby and I sleep under separate duvets right now - his heavy, mine light. One duvet would be so much nicer!
Great post and interview, Stacy!
~ Wendi ~

Ange said...

I need this! My hubby loves to snuggle in to big thick blankets and I like a light covering at best. What a great idea, thanks for introducing us to Tim and his product!

Jessie said...

Now following Twovet on Twitter!


Barbara Bussey {The Treasured Home} said...

What a clever young man and hats off to the supportive mom! Beautiful bedrooms too!

chedeb5353 said...

Liked Twovet on Facebook.

Heather said...

I think the idea is fabulous! Just like the mattresses that have different comfort levels, this is perfect for those with different sleeping temps! Brilliant! Following on Twitter!(ScoomerBlog)

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Cindy said...

This is pure genius! Thank you so much for not only creating such a wonderful product, but also for giving us the chance to win one.

Facebook - Cindy A.
Twitter - @normawatson

Charlotte said...

Just liked Twovet on Facebook.

The enchanted home said...

That is genius indeed!! Wow why didn't I think of that? Great idea....fingers crossed!

Jen C. said...

What a clever idea, and Tim is an inspiration. I find myself thinking about bedrooms a lot right now, as our son is ready to transition from his little-boy decor into a more grown up look, and we're trying to figure out what that should be.

Christine said...

Oh my goodness I love this idea!! My husband and I are always fighting over how many blankets I can have on the bed. This would be perfect for us.

ladybosworth (at) yahoo dot com

Bonnie said...


Michelle B said...

I liked The Twovet on Facebook Michelle B

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

I love this concept, I have never heard of it. I'm always cold, the hubby hot, this would be a perfect cover for the both of us!!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Awesome idea, very creative & beautiful. Perfect for those of us with the "hot flashes" and then freezing, silly mother nature.
mberlin1967 at yahoo dot com
melinda berlin on facebook and mberlin1967 on twitter
Best of luck with your product line!!

Theresa N. said...

This is a great idea, wish I'd had one all these years.
Like them on FB.
Theresa N

Veronica said...

Fantastic, especially for the Chicago's cold winter nights

amwhite85 said...

What a great idea! I also have disagreements with my boyfriend about the same thing! I'm the one that's always cold.

Allison said...

This a genius idea! I am always cold and my hubby is hot so this would be ideal for us.

dillon3132 said...

so smart! why didn't I think of that!?

Coppi said...

When I saw this, I immediately thought "this had to be made for us" I'm always hot, he's always cold, so I always am half out of the covers. Problem is my husband must think in his sleep that I don't want any covers because he completely pulls the blanket off of me and wraps himself in it like a hot dog...HE'S SO WEIRD!! I actually have a picture of this because he makes me so mad I had to prove to him that he does this...too bad I can't attach to this.

Would love this new blanket but not sure I'd share with my husband. I have always wanted my very I will go like this very smart inventor on facebook now.

rccully said...

Awesome, I really this.

Karena said...

I went over to like Twovet on Facebook as well!


Art by Karena

Ideezine said...

Well since there is dual temperature controls in cars it's really a godsend to have it at home too. Especially in a two story home when the second floor is warmer and it's harder to regulate when it's time to sleep. This is really exciting!

Vickie H. said...

Very neat idea; I "liked" him on FB and am following him on Twitter! Eager to give this product a spin, so I would love to win. Thank you for hosting! I definitely think Tim is on to something big!!!

M.L.G. said...

Hello, I am new to your blog and I want to thank you for this unique giveaway and say I just love your design eye! This duvet seems perfectly to solve the problem of having the perfect weight duvet for slumbering year-round, especially because I'm always hot under the covers if the duvet is too heavy yet I like the feeling of having "weight" over me at night, even in the summer! Cool, this is really a great invention!!

Marie Kurmin said...

You do such a nice job with your blog. I am so impressed. This idea of the twovet is awesome and I hope Tim is successful with it. I can certainly refer my clients to this when there is a call for it.

Barbara@HausDesign said...

Such a clever idea! Perfect timing for me to win, too, since we'll be in the market for one for our new master bedroom when we move to Seattle! I'd love to win and I'm now following him on Twitter...:)

Interior Design Musings said...

What I great giveaway - liked them on FB

Susan said...

The perfect bed cover to make a happy couple! I just love it! Best wishes on Tim's success and congrats on your first giveaway!

Liz Harvey said...

This would be a perfect thing for my fiance and I to own! I have a thing about having layers and layers of blankets on the bed. I guess I need the weight in order to sleep. (Unfortunately), my fiance cant stand the heaviness! We are in the process of purchasing our first house and we are getting married this year, so this would be perfect!

I have liked the Twovet on Facebook and am following on Twitter.

Liz Harvey

nanazy said...

Genius! Great giveaway!

Dan D. said...

Great product idea. It's simply ingenious!

abbey y said...

Stacy I want to jump in all those beds! your blog is beautiful!! Tim you are a very smart and cool dude! this is perfect for my love & I he is always hot and I'm cranking up the heat snuggling up in layers and stealing all the blankets! so this would make sleep more enjoyable and be able to have some extra warmth on my side. kick ass giveaway fingers crossed!

jeannene said...

Wow, this would solve a lot of arguments!

Laura Bradley said...

Universal problem solved! Plus it would add to a beautiful bedding set nicely. Thank you for the try! I liked on facebook.

Linda in AZ * said...

*** Why hasn't anyone thought of this BEFORE now??? (It could save alot of late nite "discussions" regard the "pushing n' pulling" of covers... grins!)...

THIS IS A MUST HAVE (!!!), for those where the hubby likes a COOLER cover, and the wife likes the WARMER cover... SUPERB IDEA!!! (Thanks for the info, even if I DON'T "win", I'll be a winner with this info!!!)...

Warmest (excuse the pun!) wishes,

Linda in AZ *
(P.S. The dawg sleeps on MY side, and would be HAPPY with this, I'm sure!!!)

Lauren said...

Wow, Tim is a GENIUS for inventing this awesome product!!! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity and I liked Tim on Facebook.


Faith said...

Wow, this is a great product! I wish I had known about it 4 years ago when I had clients who were hard to please when it came to bedding. One was always hot and the other cold. I think this product is going to be a winner!! I would just love to win one.

Amy said...

Twovet= brilliant. I love it. I think my beau would love me even more if we had this!! Great giveaway!

Teresa at Splendid Sass said...

This idea is amazing! I HAVE TO HAVE cover summer and winter, but I am hot natured so in the summer I tend to get warm. This is totally solve that problem! Genius!
I liked and followed Twovet.
Love your room choices. can't wait to see what you do with your room.

Allen Family said...

I love that there is thin and thick. My husband would love this (he is always stealing the covers). What a great giveaway!

Youngest Child said...

Great idea! And for those times when a little kid sneaks in bed between us they can be 1/2 warm & 1/2 warmer.

Lin said...

I have actually been communicating with Tim about an invention that I would like to get on the market that would compliment his comforter. I would LOVE to win one of his comforters! Lin Persick

blogginbaby said...

Brilliant idea! Just what my husband and I need!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

I liked on FB.


Anonymous said...

The Twovet is such a great idea! As an owner of one I must say that the fabric is incredibly soft and it caters to your temperature preference. I would love to win this giveaway and get my hands on another one!


Denis Rooney said...

Great Idea!!! I know my wife is always colder than I am too the point I wake up with only the sheet. I would like to hear about all these other ideas that never came to fruitition.


BenR said...

what a great idea! plus it is an inspirational story of how sticking with ones dreams of owning a business can pay off


sherry L. said...

Great idea!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Donna in Potomac said...

Necessity is definitely the Mother of Invention. I think Tim would be happy to know he's not alone. When my husband's cold (he's always cold), I'm hot, when he's hot, I'm not. Maybe it has something to do with a delicate balance of energy, chi in the any case I'm glad his creative idea came to fruition.

Terry said...

What a great idea. May save a lot of marriages!

cj said...

Yup....this could turn out to be a must have !! How clever and unique! Hope I win it!

Luciane at said...

I'm following him on Twitter: @HomeBunch

Thanks for this incredible giveaway, Stacy!


Luciane at

Kay said...

Liked on Facebook. My husband and I mirror Tim and his wife: I am warm, my husband is cold!

Thanks for hosting the giveaway. Stay warm!

helen tilston said...

This looks warm and toasty and I would love it

Cara said...

I already own this amazing product and it works perfectly for my fiancé and I! He's the one that likes all of the blankets and I prefer just one. Before the Twovet, our bed always looked lopsided- multiple blakents on one side and only one on the other side. The Twovet has not only helped us both get a comfortable nights sleep but it also makes the bed look normal again!! Thank you for this incredible product!!

Debra Lee said...

What a great idea. I'm always cold and the hubs is warm. I also follow them on Twitter @Lealee33