Monday Madness and Other Musings

Sunday, October 15, 2017

What a hectic weekend! We had lots of kids around (which I love), plus a local Harbor Festival with friends, which is basically an excuse to drink pumpkin brandy and beer outside! The weather wasn't great here, but good enough, and is supposed to get better. We've been having a warm fall so far, and I'm enjoying it, knowing it will turn bitter any minute. I have a lot of client work right now and haven't been doing much on my own house, but hope to soon. I think I've mentioned that we'd really like to change the kitchen cabinets this year, but I know time is running out. I'll keep you posted. Happy Monday everyone! 

And some new kitchen things I've been eyeing..... I love Anthro for these things. You can click to view if you are interested in any:


Jennifer@ClassicStyleHome said...

Pumpkin brandy? That sounds amazing! I'd love to get to the New England one year for fall. Love those stair balusters!

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