Christopher Architecture and Interiors

Monday, May 1, 2017

Today I want to show you some of the work of an architectural firm I admire named Christopher Architecture and Interiors (here). I am drawn to the clean casual style and restrained use of color. Have you seen these before? I run across a lot of them on Pinterest, but hope they are new to you. Can you believe the top image is a pool house!? Enjoy!

Merlin said...

WINNER!! We're in the process of white washing "boards" and installing on the ceiling of our daughter's "just purchased" lake's going to be so cool!! franki

Anonymous said...

Hi Stacy;
These pictures are simply fabulous, I'm loving each one and although I'm a Pinterest junkie I haven't seen these before.
Things have headed south for me, my life has crashed to the point I have to use the computer at the Library, not my own, and I'm wondering why I can't pin your pictures any more??? I can pin from other places, just not from your blog. Can you tell me why?
Thanks so much,
Trish Boyko, Victoria, BC.

Unknown said...

~ STUNNING~ I'm packed & ready to move in! Thanks for sharing! Cheers!