What I Love: Susan Ferrier Designs

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Do you guys know Susan Ferrier's work? She's so talented and I have so much respect for her and just adore her work. Here is what McAlpine House says about her:
A native New Yorker with an intuitive approach to design, Susan Ferrier is well known for creating sensuous, wonderfully atmospheric interiors. In 2000, mutual professional and aesthetic admiration led Susan into a partnership with Bobby McAlpine and Ray Booth. She launched the Nashville office with Ray in 2003, and founded the Atlanta Design Studio in 2005. Her work for McALPINE has been recognized nationally in numerous prestigious publications. Most recently, in 2015, Veranda featured Susan’s own home, describing it as “an atmosphere of intrigue and wonder.” In addition, her interiors have been featured in Architectural DigestElle DécorAtlanta Homes and other significant publications. Susan is inspired by travel, shops the world for treasures and shares her love of people and the places that hold them. She and her husband, Adrian, a native of New Zealand, spend their free time seeing the world, so much so that their passports read like the table of contents of National Geographic. Rizzoli Publications published Susan’s first book, Art of the House, which she co-authored with partner Bobby McAlpine.

And I wanted to chare the best deal I've seen today. These adorable faux fur rugs (nursery anyone?) range from $83 to $185 for a huge one:

This is a lot of sales for one post, but I did them all today and thought I'd show you them all, because why not!?

This one seems to be changing - I don't know if they move things in and out of ongoing sales, but it kind of seems like it. So I'm not sure if this is totally accurate, but I do know that the prices I'm seeing are incredible:

 Via McApline House
Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard of her but am so glad that I have now - so talented!

Merlin said...

This is SO TOTALLY my aesthetic...rustic, glam, architectural, wabi-sabi...what a creative person to be able to put this ALL together perfectly. *sigh* franki