50 Favorites for Friday: Decorating With Fur

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Merlin said...

Luv my fur..it moves...from the bed to the settee to the bench to the couch, etc. franki

Anonymous said...

Please tell me that these are not real fur?

Stacy CUrran said...

Although in general I don't normally respond to anonymous comments, I can assure you that the search I did for these rooms was for "faux fur decorating"

Anonymous said...

Seriously ... Who would put fur on a dining table? It's about the same as using a taxidermied animal as a centerpiece - or better letting your pet sleep in the middle of the table ...

Stacy CUrran said...

Well, as to who would do it, at least 4 people would and did here. I don't know, it doesn't bother me because I'm sure it's fake, so why is it any different to have your elbows on it than it is to have your legs on it (like if it were on a sofa)? Or how is fake fur fabric really any different than cotton or jute or leather or any other fabric we use on tables? I thought it looked inviting and warm on the tables, but to each their own I guess! I say do what you like and don't worry what others think, and if you don't like it, don't do it.