Etsy Favorite Sellers #23

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I haven't published an Etsy post in a while, and this has been sitting in my drafts. I feel kind of badly because half of you tell me you love these and the other half, well, not so much (I only know this because I asked - I know my regular readers never complain!) So I know I can't make everyone happy, but I still desperately want to! For those who do not like these, tomorrow I have the best 50 Favorites - all velvet furniture and lots and lots of affordable sources, so hopefully you'll be back then...

 1. Industrial Lighting

2. Removable Wallpaper

I've been a fan every since I papered my desk in one:

3. Sunburst Mirrors

Love. Love. Looooove.

4. Colorful Pillows

5. Anything Pineapple

6. Gemstone Hardware

Just like Anthropologie:

7. Faux Taxidermy

I really, really love these, But if you click through to the store, you'll see some really crazy light fixtures. Please don't think I am loving those too - they are certainly unique. I'll leave it at that :)

8. Minimalist Vases

9. Phone Cases

Again, they sell some of these at Anthropologie and I think they are so pretty:

10 . Gemstone Rings            
Katherine said...

I like this feature - you've introduced me to so many new etsy shops and products. It's a mountain of small businesses with interesting items - thanks for sharing your favourites.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Katherine. These posts have opened up a whole new world for me, and have increased my creativity. I am no longer bound by what I see in a catalogue - I can design my own. Ignore the complaints please!

beyondbeige said...

These are all gorgeous. Thank you for all you do.

Andrea said...

Love your Etsy posts! Thanks so much for sharing.