A Technically Perfect Living Room Design, and the Modern Master Jonathan Adler

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

First, I wanted to show you this room I saw on Pinterest yesterday. I have no idea how old it is, but I hadn't seen it before. I think it is a perfect example for people interested in design concepts like scale, balance, proportion, etc. to study. I learn by looking rather than reading, and I bet most of you do, too, since you follow here. So here it is - one of the best examples I have seen of a technically perfect room design:

Isn't it gorgeous? I'm in love with that room. 

I'm interested what you all think of it. Do you think it is perfect or just ok? Would you change anything? If I had to, I mean absolutely HAD to change something, I guess I might make the coffee table a smidge wider, but I'm totally nitpicking.

And now for some Jonathan Adler rooms. As I'm sure you agree, he is a modern master:

I think Wayfair has the best prices on Jonathan Adler if you don't have trade discounts anywhere (and if you do). Still pricey, but here are my favorites. If I could buy anything, which believe me I cannot, it would be the Meurice Chandelier and the blue velvet chair. Actually, the last chandelier shown isn't too overpriced. My cousin put it in her foyer and it is stunning. Anyway, here you go: 

Katherine said...

I'd pull a coffee table with the gold metal as a base and put a large square colourful painting over the mantel as the standout piece.

Beth Chesak said...

The room is very easy on the eyes with the calm/neutral colors and symmetry. I wish there was a bit more texture, maybe in the pillows (even if they were still solid colors) and I would prefer a pendant with a little more pizazz! Yes, a larger coffee table too. I have visited a few of Johnathon Adler's stores and always appreciate his use of happy colors in his accessories.

Anonymous said...

That room at the top is so gorgeous - leaning toward perfect. If I had to change one thing it would be one or two pops of color.

Anonymous said...

Love it - very classy look.

Merlin said...

Absolutely LUV the room...that leather settee makes me swoon!! franki