Monday, February 1, 2016

1. Curtains, Tablecloths, etc. (here)

This lady can sew anything. She is making black and white color blocked curtains for me right now (for my dining room). I emailed her once asking if she could make me an inverted pleat 129" round table cloth in black and white with six pleats and no seams showing on the top. I don't remember her exact words, but it was along the lines of "yeah, sure."  See photo 5 below - like that one. I'll get to it someday I hope. Anyway, it is my go-to shop for trickier sewing projects:

2. Abstract Art prints (here)

These are so reasonably priced and you can get any size:

3. Clare Vivier type fold over clutches (here)
I LOVE these, but don't love the price of the originals. Aren't they awesome?? I saw them all over fashion week:          

4.   Modern print Pillows (here)

The dots! And the colorblock!

5. Wallpaper
These shops (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - or easier still, just click any image you like) really deserves their own post, but I'm pressed for time. You can get Thibaut-inspired wall papers (my favorite is Tanzania) and so much more for a fraction of the price:

6. Simple Custom Curtains (here)
Easy for me to say, right? Not so simple in my world. Even though these are pretty basic for seamstresses, they are very reasonable and I included this shop because of the fabrics:

7. Porcelain Dishes (here)
I love love love the colors. If I could afford it, every dish in my house would be these. They remind me of the very expensive Horchow ones:


8. Monogrammed Lamp Shades (here)
I made these once, but probably wouldn't do it again because it's a pain with the messy glue and all. And these are perfect, unlike mine:

9. Hand Painted Silk Scarves (here)

This seems hard. And they are gorgeous:

10. Even More Curtains and Pillows (here)

Again, I'm including these for the amazing fabrics and good prices:

11.  Linen Bedding (here)

Gorgeous, high quality linen:

12.  Color Block, Silks, and Intricate Drapery (here)

Just look at the detailing. I can't say enough good things:

13.  Soft Linen Bedding (here)

It speaks for itself:

14. Upcycled Chairs (here)

Absolutely love the colors:

15.  Refinished Furniture (here)

The colors and expert painting skills sold me on this shop:

16. Jewelry and Trinket Dishes (here)
I've made these and while mine are a 6 or 7, these are a ten. They are easy to make, difficult to make perfectly:



17. Lampshades (here)
I'm not sure if you've spent as much time as I have searching for lamp shades, but it is a pain in the neck and a desperately undersaturated market. Once you find a good shop, you stick with them. This is mine:

18. Custom Industrial Lighting (here)

These are good prices and well-made:            

19. Hand Painted Globes (here)
Another thing I've made, but not nearly as well. An Anthroplogie knockoff, but one that is sold out in the original, and these are just as good (and way less money):


20.  Monogrammed Pillows
There are 250 pages of monogrammed pillow shops on Etsy. I have not seen them all, not by a long shot, but I have seen a ton, and these are my two favorites for style and price:

and when's the lat time you saw Lily Pulitzer custom pillows for $25 (here)? Me neither!               

View ALL "Etsy Favorites" posts here.

Here is a Pinterest friendly image if you want to save this post:

My favorites Etsy sellers for the best home decor

 Do you have favorite Etsy shops?
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Karena said...

Stacy! Thank you for all of these excellent resources!
You are the best for sharing and researching these artisans!

The Arts by Karena

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