Make Mine Black

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

You guys are the BEST. Thank you so much for the responses on my post about Pinterest yesterday. I knew you'd come through and help make it more likely that the people at Pintetest see the post. 

I'm in FL visiting my dad and this is a pre-written post, but I'll be home soon and will have more to say I'm sure. I haven't been able to answer your comments from FL, but please know I read and appreciate all of them!

You know who I can picture having a black sofa? Nate Berkus. And since he is a god, now I want one, too. (For a second that almost didn't make sense to me, but then I thought about it, and of course it makes sense. Totally logical).

And talk about eye candy - these are the most gorgeous sofas out there, in my opinion. I have exciting new coming up next week about this furniture line. I can't wait to show you!

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