Naturally Neutral Rooms

Monday, August 24, 2015

Hi everyone,

I know I've been really absent lately, trying to catch my breath and get out from under my mound of work. Also, we had some bad news recently. A family member has been diagnosed with breast cancer, so will those of you who pray maybe add her to your list? It would be much appreciated :)

RicMil said...

So sorry to hear the news, Stacy. Medical science can do amazing things these days - more survivors than ever. However, it does shake your confidence to the core and forever changes they way you see yourself. Keeping positive thoughts for you and your family!!!

designchic said...

No one loves neutral spaces more - calm and inviting. The first image is amazing! Adding prayers for your family member and sending warm hugs xoxo

Karena said...

Dear Stacey, I am so sorry and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Our families have been so much, while we are being challenged remember how many love and care!

The Arts by Karena

Merlin said...

Done. franki

KL said...

Beautiful images Stacy. I am saddened to hear your news and pray that the diagnosis has been made early for the best possible treatment and recovery. My father is having surgery (no. 3) for cancer on Friday...will add your family to mine in my prayers. Hugs, KL

Kay said...

On my list.

Anonymous said...

Praying for the best for your family member. Wishing you all well. Thank you for sharing such lovely rooms.