Light, Bright & Airy White Rooms

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How can it be back to school already?? Boo. I'm really going to miss the kids when they go back Tuesday. Don't get me wrong - we've had our challenging days this summer (it's not easy to drag a 14 year old, 165 pound boy suffering from inertia from the dark basement where he is on some kind of  Xbox-playing world record streak. And it's even less pleasant when he reacts like a vampire seeing first light when I open a shade). But truth be told, they had a GREAT summer. Some of the things they did and achieved: Bobby got into all level 0 classes for this year (the highest), Ellie was in a book club and learned to sew, Bobby worked out a ton and is in the best shape of his life, Ellie broke her record for sleepovers (we are thinking about 30), they went on a vacation to the Adironondacks, Ellie started a baking blog, and Bobby is in the finals of battle of the Bands this Friday night at the county fair.... so all in all, a fantastic summer that I am sad to let go.  Cross your fingers for Bobby and his band Friday - they could win $1000 and bragging rights (which are seriously probably more important to them).  How are all of your summers going? I love hearing!

I also took another step forward with the family room, and bought a table. Here it is in it's unfinished state:

If you recall, it will be going into THIS room (ignore the blanket over the back of the sofa please):

The table will be cut much shorter to go with the low sofa. It is from the awesome company in CA (Redwood Burl) that takes old redwood trees that have fallen in storms, etc.,  and makes them into tables and things. Here is some of their work - most of it is too rustic for me, but I'm going to glam up the table a bit (you'll have to wait to see):

Ok, well here is a hint on what I am going to do:

Ok, enough about me - on to the eye candy.....

Kathysue said...

Sounds like a very fun summer for your family and good luck to Bobby with his band!! Pinned away, light, bright, fresh, and airy are all my calling cards!!

Lissy Parker said...

college has started here too. White, white and more white—love it all.
xo, lissy

Taylor Greenwalt said...

Cant wait to see what your table is going to look like...I always had mixed feelings when the kids started back...I was sad, but happy!

Karena said...

Stacy I am so glad you had a great summer with your family. Back to school is always kind of bittersweet!! Loving your idea for the redwood table, its going to be fabulous!!

The Arts by Karena

Sandra Lee said...

I always look forward to your projects and what a busy summer your kids had! Thanks for these lovely rooms also, one of my favorite collections.