The Big Reveal of My Dad's Mancave!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

  First of all, I'm kind of embarrassed to even be showing you this because the photography is the worst I've ever done. The lighting was really hard when I was there yesterday, shooting directly into the sun, so it was almost impossible to get a shot of the whole room. I'm showing you what I got, but they are HIGHLY edited (lifting shadows, decreasing saturation) so that you can actually see something, but editing really distorts things. I realize more than ever how important interior design photography is, and I think I'm going to have to hire someone when this is 100% done.

Second, my dad had one job, to get the tv installed. And he has had since December to do it! But he waited and waited and now there is a wait list, so that is about 10 days away still.  Obviously it will go between the bookcases and over the desk. I feel badly for him that the room is all done and he can't use it yet. That would kill me. But in fairness, the tv place he used has been giving him the worst customer service ever. I would have gone somewhere else by now, but he's loyal to them.

For those of you who haven't read about this project before, this room was originally a garage. When my parents bought the house, they had it converted into a really large dining room. Now that my mom is in a nursing home, and dad would prefer to use the kitchen for entertaining, he decided to make this into and office and tv room. Finally, it approaching completion. 

Here we go (sources at the end):

This photo is closer to the colors, but I still had to lift shadows and decrease color so you can see it all. The tv will be on the wall over the desk:

 The large photos behind the sofa are of the four grandchildren, and the smaller are assorted family ones with a strong focus on my mother:

When you leave this room, you go into a very feminine family room that my mom decorated. No one wants to change it, so the flow stinks, but who cares! Sometimes memories are more important.

It was a little hard to talk my dad into 8 throw pillows, but I did it!

Again, a super grainy photo because of the sun. Remember this used to be a garage? That door to the left leads to the remaining garage:

Yes I hate the orange floors, but they are WAY less orange when I don't have to edit the photos:

The best Target find ever - the $199 bar cart that looks and feels like a $700 one.
(Sorry, it is now sold out. THIS is the newer version):

Obviously, the feel is industrial chic, but I wanted to give him a comfy desk chair:

This is ok for colors except the sofa is waaaay darker here than in real life, and the light is more tan than orange:

You can turn the handle on this table to raise and lower the height. My dad and I fought so much about the height of this table. I wanted it to be higher than normal because I know he'll eat there when watching a game or something, so I thought it made sense to have a higher than normal table. He took a long time to get on board with that, but it worked out well when I found this adjustable one:

The curtains are blackout velvet, and these are with them closed:

Finally, the one shot I got where the lighting was ok. I really thought they looked good in preview mode, too, so I was really disappointed when I got home and saw that they almost all stunk.  But I didn't want to delay showing you the room:

UPDATE: My dad just sent me these - clearly he is a better photographer than I am, and the colors are much more accurate:

I linked directly to the items where possible

1. Paint: Ben Moore Alexandria Beige

5. End Tables: One Kings Lane

6. Pillows, Blanket, other accessories: Home Goods

7. Lamps and ceiling fixture: South Shore Decorating Store
Click photos to view items

8. Canvas photos: Canvas On Demand

9. Desk: Wayfair

10. Desk chair: Home Decorators

11. Bookcases: Overtstock

Thanks for following along on this journey! I will definitely update the photos when I can.


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Jenny said...

It looks great, even with your photography troubles! What a shame that your dad can't sink into that sectional and watch some TV! Looks like a fantastic space to lounge and chill out!

Unknown said...

Very nicely done. Your dad will love it. I hope your mom is doing ok, I know it has got to be rough. Hang in there kiddo. Love all your work and ideas. Thank you for posting. Oh and thanks so much for posting where you bought everything. Big help there!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous job!!
It might be a ManCave, but I'm sure digging lots of it for me.
On a different note, thrilled to be getting your blog again. Not sure why it started coming through again (Yahoo email issues?). Felt a little lost without it and too lazy to Google everyday, to be honest. Hope others have same luck as I.
Your blog is wonderful!!

Karena said...

Stacey really the perfect man cave for a great guy, your Father!!

The Arts by Karena

Merlin said...

Would you look at that...hardly a cave!! He will be SO HAPPY to have that tv in and ALL of you will use this room, I'm sure!! Oh, I do so have "cart" envy...that would be the PERFECT cart to place beside my husband's side of the bed...pull out to dust...shelves for his "man" stuff, etc. I'm on the look out...franki

Jennifer@ClassicStyleHome said...

It's perfect! I bet your dad is thrilled. He can eat red meat in there, watch sports, and make Tim the Tool Man grunts. My husband would be so jealous if I let him see this. I won't because I'm not giving up any of my spaces. ;)

The enchanted home said...

WOW!!! Lucky did an amazing job, its masculine and still beautiful, love the gallery wall....a reminder of how lucky he is:)

The enchanted home said...

WOW!!! Lucky did an amazing job, its masculine and still beautiful, love the gallery wall....a reminder of how lucky he is:)

Shirley@Housepitality Designs said...

Such a great room for your dad..I am sure he is very happy with the final kept it very comfortable and truly has fabulous design and function!...Love that you can adjust the height of the "coffee table"....and yes, men and pillows...they are not found of each other!

Sandra Lee said...

Great space for dad to chill out in. You did a fabulous job!