50 Favorites for Friday

Thursday, September 14, 2017

I have a reader who moved from Chicago to Costa Rica, and she sent me these images of her home. Isn't that an incredible story? I so impressed with how brave it is! And what we can see of the home is amazing, right? And that dog.....

 And these rest of my favorites this week. You'll see a theme here I think.... Lots of bright white rooms. I hope you enjoy!

Anajá Schmitz said...

Amei as belas inspirações. Todas as sexta-feiras espero pela seleção.
Bjos tenha um ótimo fim de semana.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your reader on the move to Costa Rica! And thanks for the 50 Favorites - always a highlight of my week!

designchic said...

Love seeing your reader's beautiful home and sweet dog! And the 50 favorites, I can't get over the white kitchen from AD...it's stunning! Happy weekend, my friend!