50 Favorites for Friday

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Today was a very stressful day. First, our oldest is learning to drive, and there are a lot of required driving hours for teens. Obviously this is a good thing, but it's hard to do them all in the time between getting the permit and being old enough for a license, so I push it along by asking him to drive when he's around. I'm sure all of you who have been through this know how stressful it is! He did really, really well, but my car battery died in the parking lot at one of our errands. And I really didn't want to be without a car tomorrow so after we jumped it I had to rush it to our favorite local mechanic and ask him to stay a bit late. And then I rushed home to drive my daughter around and wait for an electrician who was fixing a few things for me. And now it's 8:10 and I haven't eaten all day or fed my kids. So just one of those stressful days, but I'm trying to focus on the positive. 

I read the other day that each person's chance of even existing is something like one in 28 billion. So I'm trying to practice gratitude for existence and every thing that involves. So, here goes.... I'm so incredibly lucky to be able to do errands with my amazing son who is one of the most precious gifts in the world. I'm blessed to have a car to drive, the means to fix problems with it, and more importantly, a husband who literally dropped everything without complaint to come help me with the battery. I'm lucky to live in a town where the locals will stay late to help each other, privileged to have food to eat and a warm bed to sleep in, and blessed beyond belief to have this adorable sweet thing who makes me laugh my head off, and who let me hug and kiss her more than usual today. 

I'm lucky indeed, and very grateful. 

Have a great weekend everyone. Here are my 50 favorites this week....


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post (and a beautiful young lady)!! xoxo

Lisa said...

Such a beautiful post! It's so nice when we can keep things in perspective because our blessings are so much greater! You have a beautiful family!

Jennifer@ClassicStyleHome said...

My car battery died in a parking lot Wednesday! It must be the heat. My older son tried to scare his little brothers when it wouldn't start and jumped out of the car screaming,"It's going to explode!" Then he twisted his ankle jumping out of the car. He ended up being okay after a day of rest and ice. So I understand! After three boys I don't think anything can get me riled up lol.