A Gorgeous All White Notting Hill Townhome

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Just a quick post today to show you all this spectacular project in Notting Hill. It is a townhouse by Blakes London. There isn't much additional information available, but you guys don't really come here for the commentary, anyway! Enjoy!!

RicMil said...

Hi Stacy,

I, for one, DO come here for the commentary!! I have noticed you don't write or share much these days and just figured that you must be extra-busy.

Please feel free to share, over-share, or just plain let us know how you're doing. :)


Stacy CUrran said...

Richelle - that’s so sweet! I HAVE been really busy and that is why. I’m hoping to have time to say a lot more later this week. Thank you SO much for the comment :)