Masterfully Mixed Rooms

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I feel like I haven't written a post in a while, but really I only missed yesterday. I'm busy organizing a charity event for our local Community Christmas where I am gathering a bunch of teens who "volunteered" to do fall cleanups for a $100 donation to the charity.  The kids will be great - I know they will work hard and will end up seeing the benefit when they raise $100o in a day. But I really wanted to ask them to commit themselves, rather than having their parents commit for them. It's been a bit harder that way, but I think I have 12 so far. They are good boys but at 15 it can be hard not to be selfish.  Anyway, the organizing is a bit more than I thought, but I know it will be a great day!

Did I ever show you guys the page on this blog where I list my sources?
Well, HERE it is - lighting, rugs, bedding, etc.

Pam WhimsicalVintage said...

Great job on the charity event! I couldn't agree with you more on how important it is to have the kids commit to it themselves and as the mother of a now 20 year old son, I know how difficult it can be with 15 year old boys:)
The fact that you have 12 already is an amazing accomplishment, in and of itself. Well done!
...and as always, I loved the post!

designchic said...

So many amazing spaces. I am gravitating to the black and white images, especially the black paint...gorgeous and dramatic. Happy Wednesday!

Karena said...

Stunning and dramatic spaces Stacy!
Bravo on the Charity event and corralling all of the teenagers together!

India Hicks Style Ambassador
The Arts by Karena

Pura Vida said...

Great rooms. Love that shark on the stool

Sandra Lee said...

These rooms are dramatic but still tastefully done. Good luck with your event I'm sure it will turn out just fine. I remember when my three sons were fifteen, yikes!