The Most Perfect Chandelier Ever Designed?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

This is the original Arctic Pear chandelier by Ochre. It's perfect, right? It costs a pretty penny, too, ($4000-$11,000 in a wide range of sizes), and I think for good reason. The designers work hard to come up with gorgeous, new, and original styles like this, so I don't begrudge them the money it costs, even though very few can afford it:

I actually read an article about this chandelier recently, where a representative from Ochre said that the more imitations a product spurns, the more the original sells. I thought that was kind of interesting. The reasoning was that the knockoffs show people the true value of the original, hence more sales. I get that, but I think in a lot (but not all) of cases the "knockoff" can be as good as the original.

In this case, Robert Abbey did a similar light, that is also fairly expensive HERE:

And THIS one that I think is a bit better (the crystal looks a little better to me), by Eurofase for a little less:

Next, Pottery Barn did a couple. The first is  HERE, and I think it is a great alternative for half the price of the first generation knockoffs:

 Pottery Barn's other one is HERE, starting at $639:

There are a few cheaper versions, but I don't want to even sow you because they look junky.

Here are images of what I *think* are all the original, but I've been fooled before, so forgive me if I'm wrong about some of them: 

What a stunner.

Long time readers may remember when I turned my once-living room into a home office, and I added this chandelier (please ignore the orange bench - it wasn't reupholstered yet in this photo):

I do love that light, but if I could do it again, I would get the Eurofase one instead because it is not as showy.

Here is the one I bought if you are interested:

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Karena said...

Stacy, this truly is a gorgeous chandelier! It is unique and so great that it comes in different sizes.

The truth is that cost simply IS a consideration for a lot (most) people. If a knock off is done in a quality fashion and is less money, I am probably going to go with that! After all design dollars get swallowed up quickly!

You found lots of super images by the way!

Haute Couture Ateliers

Maryanne White said...

Beautiful lighting....and easy to clean! I can not tell you how many times I have put off cleaning all those crystal drops.

designchic said...

These are gorgeous - love them especially over the dining tables. Amazing images!!

The enchanted home said...

Beautiful have convinced me!

Jennifer@ClassicStyleHome said...

Got it! Design something unique and charge a boatload then wait for knockoffs to make more $. ;) There's a business plan in this post! I love seeing pics of your office. Great room!

Kristy Woodson Harvey said...

Beautiful, beautiful! They are so ridiculously expensive, but beautiful light fixtures totally define a room, don't they? A worthy splurge, my friend! xo Kristy

Jeanine said...

I don't know. They look like a space ship hovering to me

Leslie @ Segreto Secrets said...

Such a beautiful fixture trend! I love the Pottery Barn option, think it looks great and half the price of the original is irresistible!!
xo. Leslie
Segreto Finishes

Merlin said...

It looks incredible! I've been in "chandelier hell"...waited five months and then...delayed now until December...I just cancelled. *sigh* franki

ok...just did "One Kings Lane" on your site and...purchased a chandelier. :) fmp