Tuesday Eye Candy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Here is some  eye candy I've been obsessing over lately, especially those fretwork chairs in the first photo. Love them! I look on Craig's List for them all the time, but no luck so far.  I've actually never found a thing on Craigs List, although I have sold a lot.  But I digress....on to the images:

And, I had a specific request from a reader to let her know if I saw this Michelle Armas art come back up on OKL, and it DID (and lots more)!!! But I lost her email - I hope you're reading, and so sorry I can't find you!  Here it is if you are reading:

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carolyn bradford said...

Great eye candy, Stacy! I want those light fixtures in that first pic with the fret work chairs! Hope you are doing well!

pam {simple details} said...

You are so darn sweet, thanks for including my little buffet in that round-up! Totally made my day!

Btw, love Michelle Armas - heading to check it out!

miss b said...

Just catching up on your posts. I particularly love those first three rooms - white with just a pop of vibrant colour.